Triathlete Tracking

Android, Mobile Application

Role: Senior User Experience Designer
Duration: One year of onsite and remote work
Team size: 20+ project and client team members

A friend of mine was participating in an IronMan competition and in an effort to support them I tried to find areas during the race where I could hold up funny signs. What I did not realize was how long an IronMan really takes to complete, and that the interval between checkpoints and accessible race areas were pretty vast. After brainstorming and research with a developer friend of mine, I sat down and planned a rough idea for an athlete trackign application that allowed the user to locate their loved ones without the requirement of a physical tracking chip and the excessive fee for the tracking service.

After brainstorming and research with a developer friend of mine, I sat down and planned a rough idea for an athlete trackign application that allowed the user to locate their loved ones without the requirement of a physical tracking chip or the excessive fee for the tracking service. We (theoretically) opted to consume the timing data from the IronMan and other race APIs in an effort to extrapolate the athlete's location and pace and hoped to combine it all with Google's map engine to create a manageable course map for the observers. Unfortunately we discovered that the IronMan API does not play nicely with others and our project stalled – but not before some basic initial concepts.

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